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Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe Ceraneum is a non-departmental, interdisciplinary research institution, officially established on 7th February 2011 by a decision of the Senate of the University of Łódź.

Ceraneum focuses the efforts of researchers working in the broad field of Byzantine-Slavic topics: history and culture of the Eastern Mediterranean and related traditions.

Ceraneum Centre aims at integration of the different units of UŁ, widening the scope of interdisciplinary cooperation within the university and internationally, and thus enhancing the attractiveness of the University’s range of courses at all levels and strengthening UŁ’s position in Poland and in Europe.



The Ceraneum Center publishes the annual Studia Ceranea and the Series Ceranea. Both publishing ventures cover thematically history and culture of the Mediterranean and Southeastern Europe from antiquity to modern times, with particular emphasis on the history of Byzantium and Slavia Orthodoxa. The series publishes source texts, bibliographies and monographs. All issues of the Studia Ceranea are available online. To view the contents of the journal and the list of volumes in the series, use the link below.




– Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (National Programme for the Development of Humanities in the module Universals 2.1), entitled Translation into Russian language and publication in “Aletheia” Scientific Publishing House, as a part of the series „Византийская библиотека”, a monograph by Zofia A. Brzozowska „Sofia – upersonifikowana Mądrość Boża. Dzieje wyobrażeń w kręgu kultury bizantyńsko-słowiańskiej”, carried out by monograph’s author, with engagement of Jan Morawicki from the Ceraneum Centre and Department of Slavic Studies, University of Lodz, as a translator (2020–2023);
Part of the platform Mapping Eastern Europe in the 13th–17th Centuries (2020 Rapid Response Magic Project of the Princeton University Humanities Council, USA): https://mappingeasterneurope.princeton.edu/item/sophia-wisdom-of-god-personified-history-of-per.html

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Opus 16 program, panel HS3), entitledEastern Roman Military Elites from Theodosius II to Anastasius I (408-518). A Socio-Political Study, carried out in the Ceraneum Centre by a team led by prof. dr hab. Mirosław J. Leszka (2019–2023). Expected results: two book publications and series of articles.

– Grant of the National Science Centre (call: MINIATURA 6, panel: HS) entitled Martyrium of Sts. Karpos and Papylos in Constantinople (Istanbul), its frescoes and their identification, carried out in the Department of Byzantine History of the Faculty of Philosophy and History by Dr. Andrzej Kompa (2023). Expected results: a research trip to libraries in Vienna and Istanbul, examining the frescoes in the Martyrium of Sts.Karpos and Papylos;

– Grant of the National Science Centre (call: BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 4, panel: HS2) entitled Orthodox Slavic Linguistic Varieties at the Threshold of Modernity: Continuity and Innovation. A Mixed-Methods Approach, carried out at the Department of Slavic Philology at the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz, in cooperation with the investigators from the Department of Slavic Studies at the University of Freiburg, Germany. The leader of the Polish part of the project is Prof. Ivan N. Petrov from the Department of Slavic Philology (University of Lodz), and the leader of the German part of the project is Prof. Achim Rabus from the University of Freiburg. The project team also includes: Dr. Zofia A. Brzozowska, Dr. Agata Kawecka and Prof. Małgorzata Skowronek from the Department of Slavic Philology, University of Lodz (2022–2025);

– Grant of the National Science Centre (call: SONATINA 3, panel: HS2), entitled The Cultural Implications of the Migrations of Serbs in the Early Modern Era, carried out by Piotr Kręzel from the University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology in cooperation with Prof. Izabela Lis-Wielgosz from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Polish and Classic Philology (2019–2022);
Part of the platform Mapping Eastern Europe in the 13th–17th Centuries (2020 Rapid Response Magic Project of the Princeton University Humanities Council, USA): https://mappingeasterneurope.princeton.edu/item/the-cultural-implications-of-the-migrations-of-ser.html

– Grant of the National Science Centre (call: OPUS 17, panel: HS2), entitled How deep in the past is ‘deeper’? The comparative degree in the Slavic languages – origin, evolution, typology, carried out by a research consortium formed by the Department of Slavic Studies at the University of Lodz and the Institute of Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences. The principal investigator of the project will be Dr. Marek Majer, assistant professor at the Department of Slavic Studies at the University of Lodz; the co-investigator from the Polish Academy of Sciences will be Dr. Rafał Szeptyński (2020–2023);

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Harmonia 9 program, panel HS), entitled Orthodox Slavic Polemical Writings in the Middle Ages, carried out at the Department of Slavic Philology at the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz by a team composed of: prof. dr hab. Georgi Minczew (coordinator), dr Zofia Brzozowska, dr Agata Kawecka, dr Marek Majer, dr hab. Ivan Petrov, dr Małgorzata Skowronek and dr Jan Wolski, an employee of the Ceraneum Center, University of Lodz and dr Anna Maciejewska, an employee of the Foreign Languages Center, University of Lodz. The project will be implemented in cooperation with foreign partners from universities and academic institutions of Bulgaria, Denmark and Italy on the formal rights of project co-contractors (2018–2023);
Part of the platform Mapping Eastern Europe in the 13th–17th Centuries (2020 Rapid Response Magic Project of the Princeton University Humanities Council, USA): https://mappingeasterneurope.princeton.edu/item/orthodox-slavic-polemical-writings-in-the-middle-a.html

– Project financed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education, entitled Mapa interaktywna skryptoriów w średniowiecznej Bułgarii (Интерактивна карта на скрипториумите в Средновековна България), implemented by Prof. Georgi Minczew (2020–);

– Projekt finansowany przez Centrum OPUS pt. , część programu Łódź akademicka – naukowa, kreatywna i wielokulturowa 2023, realizowany w Ceraneum pod kierunkiem dr Zofii Rzeźnickiej i dr. Jana Wolskiego, przy współpracy Fundacji UŁ. W ramach realizacji projektu Łódź odwiedzą wybitni specjaliści zajmujący się medycyną antyczną i bizantyńską oraz historycy kultury (maj—listopad 2023),

– Project financed by the OPUS Centre, entitled Horyzonty humanistyki 2023: łódzkie spotkania z zagranicznymi badaczami antyku, średniowiecza i nowożytności, part of the program Łódź akademicka – naukowa, kreatywna i wielokulturowa 2023, implemented at the Ceraneum under supervision of dr Zofia Rzeźnicka and dr. Jan Wolski, with participation of the UŁ Foundation. As part of the project, Łódź will be visited by eminent specialists in ancient and Byzantine medicine and historians of culture (March—November 2023),

– Grant of the Bulgarian government agency “Research Foundation“, entitled Bulgaria on the Edge of Christianity, Paganizm and Heresies. The Old Bulgarian Translation of the Discourses against the Arians, carried out by prof. Georgi Minczew from the Departmentof Slavic Studiesat the Facultyof Philology, University of Łódź, a member of the project team headed by prof. Tatiana Sławowa from the  Faculty of Slavic Philology, Sofia University (2019–2021).

– Project financed by the OPUS Centre, entitled Horyzonty humanistyki. Nowe osiągnięcia mediewistyki światowej w Łodzi, part of the program Łódź akademicka – naukowa, kreatywna i wielokulturowa 2022, implemented at the Ceraneum under supervision of dr Zofia Rzeźnicka and dr. Jan Wolski, with participation of the UŁ Foundation. As part of the project, Łódź will be visited by eminent specialists in ancient and Byzantine medicine and historians of heresy (April—December 2022),

– Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (National Programme for the Development of Humanities  in the module Universals 2.1), entitled Translation and publication of I. Petrov’s monograph “From Incunabula to First Grammars. Contexts of the Development of the Bulgarian Literary Language (Late 15th – Early 17th Century)”, carried out by Prof. Dr. Ivan Petrov of the Department of Slavic Studies, University of Lodz, with engagement of dr Marek Majer of the Department of Slavic Studies, University of Lodz, as a translator (2019–2021);
Part of the platform Mapping Eastern Europe in the 13th–17th Centuries (2020 Rapid Response Magic Project of the Princeton University Humanities Council, USA): https://mappingeasterneurope.princeton.edu/item/from-incunabula-to-first-grammars-contexts-of-the.html

– Visiting Research Fellow Project within the framework “Excellence Initiative – Research University Programme”, entitled Slavonic Versions and Translations of the Homily “De salute animae”, Attributed to John Chrysostom or Ephraem the Syrian, and Their Textual Historycarried out in the Ceraneum Centre by prof. Aneta Dimitrova from the University of Sofia (2021);

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Opus 12 program, panel HS3), entitled Muhammad and the Origin of Islam – Stereotypes, Knowledge and Notions in the Byzantine-Russian Culture, carried out in the Ceraneum Centre by a team led by dr Zofia Brzozowska (2017–2021). Expected results: two book publications;
Part of the platform Mapping Eastern Europe in the 13th–17th Centuries (2020 Rapid Response Magic Project of the Princeton University Humanities Council, USA): https://mappingeasterneurope.princeton.edu/item/muhammad-and-the-origin-of-islam-stereotypes-kn.html

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Harmonia 8 program, panel HS), entitledDualist Heresies in the History of South-East Europe (9th-15th century), carried out by a team of Ceraneum workers and members led by Prof. G. Minczew from the Department of Southern Slavic Studies, Faculty of Philology of UŁ,  in collaborationwith the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (2017–2021);
Part of the platform Mapping Eastern Europe in the 13th–17th Centuries (2020 Rapid Response Magic Project of the Princeton University Humanities Council, USA): https://mappingeasterneurope.princeton.edu/item/dualist-heresies-in-the-history-of-south-east-euro.html

– Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the framework of funds for dissemination of research results, entitled Edition of English-language version of the “Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe” (2019–2020), carried out in collaboration with the University of Łódź Publishing House;

– Grant of the international program “Transnational Access to Special Collections and Archival Documents” (TAAD) run by the Europe-wide Consortium Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies (ReIReS) entitled Materials for teaching the Old Church Slavic language in Bulgaria (19th–21st cent.), carried out by dr Agata Kawecka from the Department of Slavic Philology at the University of Lodz (2019); the project includes a several-week academic apprenticeship at a selected partner institution – Center for Byzantine-Slavic Studies “Ivan Duychev” at the University of Sofia;

– Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (National Program for the Development of Humanities, “Uniwersalia” 2.2 module), entitled The Novgorod First Chronicle – Polish Translation and Scientific Account of the Oldest Chronicle of Novgorod the Great, carried out in the Ceraneum Centre by a team led by dr Zofia Brzozowska, in collaborationwith the IT Department at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics, University of Łódź (2017–2019). Expected results: a book publication, preparing the electronic version of the text and making it accessible;
Part of the platform Mapping Eastern Europe in the 13th–17th Centuries (2020 Rapid Response Magic Project of the Princeton University Humanities Council, USA): https://mappingeasterneurope.princeton.edu/item/the-novgorod-first-chronicle-polish-translation.html

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Sonata Bis 1 program, panel HS), entitled Reception of the literary output and folk culture of Slavia Orthodoxa circle in Poland – history and bibliography of the translatory production, carried out in the Ceraneum Centre by a team led by Ph.D. I. Petrov from the Department of Slavonic Philology of UŁ (2013–2018). Expected result: two book publications;

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Miniatura 2 program, panel HS), entitled Research on the morphology of early Slavic borrowings in the Albanian language,  carried out at the Department of Slavic Philology at the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz by dr Marek Majer (2018–2019). Goals: participation in the Slavic Linguistics Society Meeting scientific conference (USA), preparation of texts to be published in international scientific journals; 

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Miniatura 1 program, panel HS), entitled Ancient and Byzantine cosmetology. Myrrh and frankincense in beauty products (1st–7th c. AD), carried out in the Ceraneum Centre by dr Zofia Rzeźnicka (2018). Goals: a few foreign queries, preparation of source texts to be published in international scientific journals;

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Harmonia 6 program, panel HS), entitled The Bulgarian State in 927-969. The Epoch of Tsar Peter I the Pious, carried out in the Ceraneum Centre by a team led by Prof. M. Leszka from the Department of History of Byzantium, University of Łódź, in collaboration with the University of Sofia (Bulgaria) (2015–2018). Expected result: an English book publication;

– Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the framework of funds for dissemination of research results, entitled Edition of English-language version of the “Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe” (2017–2018), carried out at the Ceraneum Centre in collaboration with the University of Łódź Publishing House, a part of the larger grant awarded to the Publishing House UŁ. The coordinators are: dr hab. Ivan Petrov from the Ceraneum Centre (Secretary of the Editorial Board of “Studia Ceranea” and employee of the Department of Slavic Studies at the Faculty of Philology, University of Łódź) and PhD Agnieszka Kałowska from the University of Łódź Publishing House;

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Etiuda 4 program, panel HS), entitled Christian everyday life in East according to the Church normative sources (IV-V Century), carried out by mgr A. Hołasek, a doctoral student in the Department of History of Byzantium. The project is implemented in cooperation with the Pontificio Istituto Orientale in Rome. During the project (2016–2017) mgr A. Hołasek will take a three-month research internship at the PIO in Rome;

– Grant entitled Bulgaria. History and Culture (academic monography – development and prepress), financed by theHonorary Consul ofthe Republic of Bulgariain Wrocławand carried out bya team led by Prof.G.Minczewin the Departmentof Slavic Studiesat the Facultyof Philology, University of Łódź (2015);

– International educational project within the framework of LLP-Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP), funded by the Bulgarian Human Resource Development Centre, acting as the Erasmus National Agency in this country, entitled Standards of Everyday Life in the Middle Ages and in Modern Times (3 editions: 2012, 2013, 2014); the project is being implemented by a consortium consisting of:
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria) – coordinator
St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
University of Łódź (Ceraneum, as well as the Department of Byzantine History and the Department of Ethnology and Folklore – Faculty of Philosophy and History; coordinator: Dr. Hab. Prof. of the UŁ Maciej Kokoszko)
Uludag University (Bursa, Turkey)
Ankara University (Turkey)
Ovidius University (Constanța, Romania).
The program is interdisciplinary and is based on a series of lectures, seminars, talks, group work and thematic tours, which include the field studies planned for the second and third year of the IP. Its main objectives are: dissemination and application of diverse methodologies in the study of historical, anthropological and ethnological issues on an academic level; discussion on modern, interdisciplinary topics related to study of everyday life of people belonging to various social groups in different historical epochs; giving prominence to innovative approaches combining methodology typical to anthropology and ethnology, as well as multidisciplinary character of history teaching at academic level; creation of favourable conditions for direct and active contact and exchange of ideas between students and lecturers from various countries; bringing about international cooperation between universities that could aid in developing future joint projects.
The target groups of the IP are outstanding students from such fields as history, ethnology, tourism and anthropology, as well as doctoral students working on topics and problems related to those of the IP;

– Grant of the National Science Centre (the Harmony 2 program, panel HS3), entitled Byzantium and the Arabs. A meeting of civilizations in 6th-8th centuries, carried out in the Ceraneum Centre by a team led by Dr. Hab. Prof. of the UŁ T. Wolińska in collaboration with the Aristotle University in Thessalonica (Greece); the team consists of the staff of the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the UŁ and of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the UŁ (2012-2015). Expected result: a Polish-English book publication, a website and an internet platform;

– Grant of the Humanities in European Research Area (“Cultural Encounters” cycle), entitled Defining and Identifying Middle Eastern Christian Communities in Europe, carried out by scholars from Scottland, Denmark and Poland (2013–2015); Polish part of the project is headed by Dr. Marta Wozniak from the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the UŁ;

– Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (the third edition of the programme “Mobilność Plus”), entitled Ruch monastyczny w drugim carstwie bułgarskim i jego rola społeczna, carried out in the Ceraneum Centre by MA Jan Wolski, a doctoral student in the Department of History of Byzantium, University of Łódź. During the project (2014–2015) MA Jan Wolski will take an annual internship at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia;

– an NCN grant (program Preludium 2, panel HS2), entitled Sophia – Wisdom of God personified. History of perceptions in the Byzantine-Slavic culture, carried out by Mgr. Z. Brzozowska in the Department of Byzantine History at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the UŁ (2012-2015). Expected result: a doctoral thesis, articles in Polish and in foreign languages;

– an NCN grant (program Opus 1, panel HS3) entitled Food for the body and soul. Nutrition and culinary arts of antiquity and early Byzantium, 2nd-7th centuries, carried out by a team led by Dr. Hab. Prof. of the UŁ M. Kokoszko in the Department of Byzantine History of the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the UŁ (2011-2014). Expected result: a monograph in Polish and English, articles in Polish and English, primary source translations;

– Project co-financed by the City of Łódź within the framework of the competition for the promotion of Łódź as a research and academic centre (2014), entitled Organizacja Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej XI Dni Arabskie. Ciągłość i zmiana w świecie islamu. Responsible for the implementation of the task is the Department of Middle East and North Africa, Middle East Student Association “Al-Mashriq”, Faculty of International and Political Studies of the University of Lodz (Coordinator: prof. zw. dr hab. Marek Dziekan) in collaboration with the Ceraneum Centre;

– Grant of the Marshal of the Łódź Region for prominent young researchers (second edition), entitled Patronka zabytkowej łódzkiej cerkwi – święta księżna Olga. Rys biograficzny, historia kultu i polski przekład korpusu źródeł, carried out by MA Z. Brzozowska, a doctoral student in the Department of History of Byzantium, University of Łódź (2014); expected result: a book publication;

– Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (National Program for the Development of Humanities, the module for dissemination of research results 3.1), entitled Translation into French and printing of the book by Prof. Waldemar Ceran, entitled „Rzemieślnicy i kupcy w Antiochii i ich ranga społeczna (II połowa IV wieku)”, (=The Scientific Committee on Ancient Culture, Philological Archive XIX), Wrocław – Kraków: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich 1969, pp. 134, carried out in the Ceraneum Centre under the direction of Dr. Hab. Prof. of the UŁ S. Bralewski and Dr. P. Filipczak (2011-2013). Result: a book publication;

– Project co-financed by the the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, within the framework of dissemination of research results (2013), entitled Publication of the second issue of the journal “Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe”, implemented in Ceraneum Centre in collaboration with the Library of the University of Lodz (Coordinator: director Tomasz Piestrzyński) within a broader grant awarded BUŁ;

– Project co-financed by the City of Łódź within the framework of the competition for the promotion of Łódź as a research and academic centre (2013), entitled Organizacja Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej Biblia Slavorum Apocryphorum. III. Varia. Responsible for the implementation of the task is the Ceraneum Center (Coordinator: Dr. Hab. Prof. of the UŁ Georgi Minczew) in collaboration with the Department of Southern Slavic Studies of the Faculty of Philology and the Department of Byzantine History of the Faculty of Philosophy and History;

– International educational project within the framework of LLP-Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP), funded by the Bulgarian Human Resource Development Centre, acting as the Erasmus National Agency in this country, entitled Syncretic Societies: Bridging Traditions and Modernity? Balkan Summer School for Religion and Public Life (2013); the project is being implemented by a consortium consisting of:
Plovdiv University „Paisiy Hilendarski” (Bulgaria) – coordinator
University of Eastern Finland (Finland)
Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey)
University of Bucharest (Romania)
University of Milan (Italy)
University of Łódź (Ceraneum, and the Department of Southern Slavic Studies – Faculty of Philology; coordinator: Dr. Hab. Prof. of the UŁ Georgi Minczew)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece).
The project of the Balkan Summer University began as an initiative of the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Plovdiv, focused on the issue of the place of religion in society.
The inaugural session of the program “Syncretic societies – combining tradition with modernity” is scheduled for August 2013 in Plovdiv. Representatives of the universities, clergy, media and leaders of non-governmental agencies will be invited to participate. Classes will take the form of traditional academic lectures, field practices and group sessions requiring involvement of the participants.
The organizers are aiming to assist in identifying religious prejudices and enabling a reflection through transformation of common opinions which would lead to opening up to different religious traditions rather than perceiving them as a threat. This goal will also be furthered by practical teaching of tolerance and of living within the diverse global society;

– Project of the Ceraneum Centre entitled Translation and publication of the first issue of the journal “Studia Ceranea”, co-funded by the City of Łódź within the framework of the competition for implementing the project “Cooperation with universities” for the promotion of Łódź as a research and academic centre (2011). The project resulted in publication of the journal;

– Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Eductation, entitled: Digitized corpus of the Slavic Old Testament apocrypha. Palaeography, textual criticism and codicology, carried out by a team led by Dr. Hab. Prof. of the UŁ G. Minczew in the Department of Paleoslavistics and Folk culture of the Faculty of Philology (2008-2011). The main result of the project is the online publication on the Palaeoslavica website and the monographs: Biblia Slavorum Apocryphorum. Novum Testamentum, ed. G. Minczew, M. Skowrotnek and I. Petrov, Łódź 2009 and Г. Минчев, Слово и обред. Тълкуванията на литургията в контекста на други културно близки текстове на славянското средновековие, Cофия 2011;

– Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Eductation, entitled: Constantinople – the New Rome and its inhabitants from the 4th to the beginnings of the 7th century, carried out by a team led by Dr. Hab. Prof. of the UŁ M. Leszka in the Department of Byzantine History of the Faculty of Philosophy and History (2007-2010). The main results of the project are the publications: M. J. Leszka, T. Wolińska (eds.), Constantinople. New Rome. The city and the people during the early Byzantine period, Warszawa 2011 and A. Kompa, M. J. Leszka, K. Marinow (eds.) From the studies on the early Byzantine Constantinople in: “Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica” 87, Łódź 2011.


International conference on history and culture of medieval Slavs, Byzantium and late antiquity.

The call for 6th edition is open! The conference will take place between 9 and 11 May 2024. Click here for more information.

Colloquia Ceranea V




Institute of History UL, 27A, Kaminskiego St. [GOOGLE MAPS]

& online



You may download here the book of abstracts and programme in pdf file:

Book of abstracts

In person participants will get printed copies on arrival.

patroniŁódź Akademicka



all times are CEST, UTC+2

11 V 2023

Room 103

8.50-9.00 Conference opening

9.00-10.00 Plenary lecture I (online): John Wilkins, Food for Life: Galen’s On Health (De sanitate tuenda)

10.00-11.00 Plenary lecture II (online): John Haldon,The dynamics of transformation: why did Byzantium survive into the 8th century?

11.00-11.15 Coffee break


11.15-13.15 Room 103

Online moderator: John Wilkins

Gerasimos Merianos     Humble but not insignificant: References to wine lees in Greek (al)chemical texts

Laurence Totelin (online participant)    Beyond amulets: healing stones in Graeco-Roman medicine

Barbara Zipser    Outliers in John the Physician's Therapeutics. Weird, wonderful and rare materia medica

11.15-13.15 Room 204

Moderator: Andrzej Kompa

Martina Čechová (online participant)   Crimean Cherson in the “times of turmoil”

Maciej Czyż    No need to go further. Byzantine Reconquista of 10th-11th centuries and attacks on Christians in the lands of Islam.

Elisabeta Negrău (online participant)    A 6th-Century Story in a 9th-Century Tract? Torna, Torna, Frater Revisited

Marco Muresu    Sardinia and the Byzantine west. Paradigm shifts and changing perceptions


13.15-14.30 Lunch break


14.30-16.30 Room 103

Online moderator: Petros Bouras-Vallianatos

Sean Coughlin (online participant)    The meaning of ‘stypsis’ in the context of perfumery

Tomasz Tadajczyk, Krzysztof Jagusiak    Venenum malum or bonum? Mandrake in the light of  ancient Greek and Latin written sources

Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann (online participant)    The newly founded Commission for the Investigation of Byzantine Medical Studies (CIBMS): Concept and Activities

14.30-16.30 Room 204

Online moderator: Martina Čechová

Sławomir Skrzyniarz    Two Types of Images of Christ on the Coins of Justinian II

Christos Malatras(online participant)    Civil administration in the Byzantine provinces (7th-9th c.)

Luca Zavagno (online participant)    “The Navigators.” Mediterranean Cities and Urban Spaces in the passage from  Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages (ca. 600 - ca. 850 CE)

Andrzej Kompa    Implications of Justinian II's downfall and return

16.30-16.45  Coffee break


16.45-18.45 Room 103

Online moderator: Sean Coughlin

Veronika Kelbecheva, Gergana Petkova (online participants)    Medical Latin in practice. Methodology for self-preparation in   professional language of terminology

Maciej Kokoszko, Zofia Rzeźnicka    John Chrysostom’s physical frailty and how it was cured: the case of polyarchion

16.45-18.45 Room 204

Online moderator: Yanko Hristov

Francesco Dall’Aglio (online participant)    Byzantium in Times of Turmoil – Again (Late 12th – Early 13th C.). The Role of the Bulgarian Insurrection and Provincial Separatism

Ivelin Ivanov (online participant)    The Impact of the Fourth Crusade and the Latin Empire of Constantinople on the Second Bulgarian Tsardom

Paweł Lachowicz (online participant)    Cognatic primogeniture in practice. The recurring pattern of first born daughters and their husbands as claimants in the 12th and 13th century Byzantine Empire

Kirił Marinow    Tărnovgrad, the capital-city of Late Medieval Bulgaria, in the ‘Memoirs’ of Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos (i.e. Monk Joasaph Christodoulos)


19.00 Banquet


12 V 2023

Room 103

10.00-11.00Plenary lecture III: Ilias Anagnostakis,Lessons and insights from Chrysothemis: We are also what we don't eat or shouldn't or would like to eat (presented by Maria Leontsini)

11.00-11.15 Coffee break


11.15-13.15 Room 103

Online moderator: Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann

Irene Calà (online participant)    Reading medical manuscripts: new fragments of Philagrios

Elias Valiakos    The physician Theon and his unpublished work

Antoaneta Granberg    The interpolation on the human body and the four elements in the Slavonic Alexander romance

Maria Totomanova-Paneva, Lilly Stammler    Women and Their Afflictions According to Iatrosophion D Gr. 352

11.15-13.15 Room 204

Moderator: Jan Mikołaj Wolski

Yanko Hristov (online participant)    Ethnic, Religious and Social Diversity in the Early Medieval Bulgaria Seen by a 10th–Century Hagiographer.

Piotr Czarnecki (online participant)    Authenticity of the Interrogatio Iohannis in the light of contemporary deconstructionist source criticism

Dick Van Niekerk (online participant)    Portrait of Sir Dimitri Obolensky Patron of the Study of the Bogomils


13.15-14.15   Lunch break


14.15-16.15 Room 103

Moderator: Gerasimos Merianos

Dimitra Makri (online participant)    Varieties of wine and wine-tasting in Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt

Ksenija Borojevic, Krzysztof Jagusiak, Ksenija Gasic (online participants)    Peaches (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) at the medieval site Ras, Serbia

Aleksander Chrószcz, Vedat Onar, Dominik Poradowski (online participant)    Animals from Theodosius Harbour

14.15-16.15 Room 204

Moderator: Antoaneta Granberg

Marina Čistiakova(online participant)    A Cycle of Memories and Verses of the Old Testament Righteous in the Prologues of Athos Hil. 424 and Hil. 427

Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova (online participant)    Towards the History of the 15th Сentury Repentance Prayers in the Slavonic South

Illia Rudyk (online participant)    The Itinerant Greek Orthodox Hierarchy in the 17th Century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth


16.30                    How did Ancient and Byzantine Food Taste Like?
Dégustationprepared by Maciej Helbig


13 V 2023

9.00-10.45 Room 103

Moderator: Maciej Helbig

Ayman Atat(online participant)    Paul of Aegina and his Food Therapy's Knowledge as quoted by Ibn Al- Bayṭār (13th Century)

Maria Leontsini    Condiment or medicine? Capers from the Hippocratic Corpus to the Byzantine and Arab dietary treatises

Sally Grainger (online participant)    Garum, fish blood taboos in Christianity and the  evolving nature of ancient fish sauce

9.00-10.45 Room 204

Online moderator: Dmytro Dymydyuk

Magdalena Garnczarska    The light studies of the Byzantine Institute in the Holy Wisdom Church in Constantinople. Some remarks on troublesome gold tesserae

Zeynep Çakmakçı, Ceren Ünal (online participants)    Byzantine Reliquary Crosses from Haluk Perk Museum in Istanbul

Anastasios Kantaras(online participant) Il mondo dei simboli nel periodo bizantino: forme, interpretazione, evoluzione/The world of symbols during the Byzantine period: forms, interpretation and evolution.

10.45-11.00                      Coffee break


11.00-12.45 Room 103

Moderator: Maria Leontsini

Ferdinando Ferraioli(online participant)    Considerations on the role of fish and meat in the alimentation of Ancient Greece

Maciej Helbig    A roast lamb was set down in front of them. The mutton and the lamb in Ancient Roman and Byzantine culinary tradition.

11.00-12.45 Room 204

Moderator: Bogna Kosmulska

Dmytro Dymydyuk (online participant)    New interpretation and datation of the so-called “King Levon’s dagger” from the History Museum of Armenia

Marina Bastero Acha(online participant)    Flaminicae and priestesses as public benefactors in Hispania

Victor Humennyi (online participant)    Looking for identities through language? Analyzing the epigraphical habit of the Roman soldiers in the Late Antique Syria

12.45-13.00                      Coffee break


13.00-14.45 Room 103

Online moderator: Bojana Radovanović

Michail Theodosiadis  (online participant)    Early Byzantine political thought and the contemporary global political project

Dorothea Valentinova (online participant)    Law and Justice in Breviarium Alaricianum and Lex Visigothorum

BognaKosmulska    Constantinople III – A Lost Potential? A Philosopher’s Viewpoint

Grzegorz Rostkowski(online participant)    Once Again Concerning the Conversion of the Khazars to Judaism



Selected conference papers will be published in article format in “Studia Ceranea”, a yearly journal indexed in Scopus, the Web of Science Core Collection (Emerging Sources Citation Index), EBSCOhost, and a number of other databases.

 The deadline for submitting  papers to “Studia Ceranea” is May 31, 2023.

However, if you are not able to finish by that time, there will still be the possibility to deliver your text by December 31, 2023, so that it would be published in the volume covering 2024.

You will find all editorial instructions on the journal’s website:

Studia Ceranea. Editorial Instructions.




Dr. Krzysztof Jagusiak

Dr. Karolina Krzeszewska

Dr. Zofia Rzeźnicka

Dr. Jan Mikołaj Wolski

If you have any question, please contact us at colloquia.ceranea@uni.lodz.pl.

Fourth Colloquia Ceranea International Conference
12-14 May 2022, Łódź

Biedermann Palace, Franciszkańska 1/5 & online


Programme (pdf, click to download)

Book of abstracts (pdf, click to download)

Thank you for your contribution! 


12 V 2022

8.50 – 9.00         Conference opening

9.00 – 10.00      Plenary lecture I (online): Alain Touwaide Lost in Scholarship. Byzantine Medicine

10.00 – 11.00   Plenary lecture II (online): Dirk Krasmüller Fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays in Byzantium


11.15 – 13.00 Room 202

Diana Míčková (online moderator)

Sean Coughlin (online participant)   Antyu and Stakte: Resins and Perfume Production in Ptolemaic Egypt

Manuela Marai (online participant)  Distillation in the Graeco-Roman World: Production and Fractionation of Resinous Substances for Pharmaceutical Use

Medhat Mohamed Ibrahim Abd El Rahman (online participant)    Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Suspected Residues of Ancient Perfumes


11.15 – 13.00 Room 203

Bojana Radovanović (online moderator)

Martina Biamino (online participant) Monasteries and Pilgrimage in Procopius of Caesarea’s De Aedificiis V

Andrew Wade (online participant) Multi-lingual, pluri-ethnic Orthodox monasticism in Palestine and on Sinai, with particular reference to the liturgical manuscript Sinai Arabic 232 (13th century)

Aneta   Dimitrova (online participant) Old Church Slavonic Translations and Revisions of Thalassius’ Centuriae iv de caritate et continentia (CPG 7848)


14.00 – 16.45 Room 202

Maciej Kokoszko (moderator)

Giulia   Freni (online participant) Herbs as pharmaka: between medicine, astrology and magic

Krzysztof Jagusiak, Tomasz Tadajczyk Aconite – a poison, or a medicine? Ancient and Byzantine testimonies

Barbara Zipser The lexicography of plant names


14.00 – 16.45 Room 203

 Andrew R. Roach (online moderator)

Maja Angelovska-Panova (online participant) Marxist and religious dichotomy in Kosta Racin’s publicism: The case of Bogomilism

Vladislav Atanassov (online participant) The Bogomils and the Cross

Boyana Radovanović (online participant) The Slavic population of Peloponnese in the Middle Ages and their implication for the study of Bogomilism         

Piotr Czarnecki (online participant) The doctrine of the ordo Sclavoniae in the light of the Western sources and the issue of the origins of the dualist heresy in Bosnia


17.00 – 18.45 Room 202

Barbara Zipser (moderator)

Sorin    Paliga Is Romanian mămăliga an enigmatic word? A brief enquiry into some old names of plants

Gergana Petkova, Vanya Ivanova (online participants) Cases of synonymy and antonymy in the Latin medical terminological system

Anne  Grons (online participant)    Coptic Medical Prescriptions. Status quo and Future Perspectives


17.00 – 18.45 Room 203

Mitko B. Panov (online moderator)

Tomasz Pełech “Sclavonia is a forsaken land” – the image of Slavic territories and their inhabitants in the “Liber” of Raymond of Aguilers

Dorothea Valentinova (online participant) Iustitia and Corruptio in Liber Constitutionum sive Lex Gundobada

Paola    Druille (online participant)     The violent collection of taxes in Philo of Alexandria’s De Specialibus Legibus II 92-95 and III 159-163



13 V 2022

Gallery, part 3: Plenary lecture by Dr. Petros Bouras-Vaillanatos.

Room 202

9.00 – 10.00      Plenary lecture: Petros Bouras-Vallianatos Byzantine medicine matters: current trends and future avenues [click here to listen the lecture @soundcloud]


10.00 – 11.45 Room 202

 Petros Bouras-Vallianatos (moderator)

Sophia Xenophontos (online participant) Moral Medicine in Galen

Masayuki Fukushima The pseudo-Galenic treatise On Leeches and its reception by late antique authors

Isabel   Grimm-Stadelmann (online participant) »Blood is a very precious liquid« (Goethe, Faust I, v. 1740) – The value of blood as elixir of life, materia medica and energetic principle


10.00 – 11.45 Room 203

Marek Majer (moderator)

Thomas Daiber              Periphrastic (Future) Tense in Old Church Slavonic

Andriy Danylenko       How Many Futures Does Ukrainian Need?

Ivan P. Petrov             Future constructions in the Old Slavonic translations of Vita Antonii Magni

Björn   Wiemer           Diachronic layers in the interaction of the perfective present and the development of future grams in Slavic languages


12.00 – 13.45 Room 202

Maciej Helbig (online moderator)

Michiel Meeusen Saving Plato from the Doctors: Medical Zetema in Plutarch (Table Talk 7.1)

Giulia Gollo   (online participant) Food as Medicament in Byzantine Incubation Literature’s Healing Dreams. The Case of MS Lond. Add. 37534

Yanko Hristov (online participant)   Disease, Healing and Medical Knowledge in an Old-Bulgarian Collection of Miracle Stories


12.00 – 13.45 Room 203

Paweł Lachowicz (online moderator)

Ivelin Argirov Ivanov (online participant) Medieval Bulgaria in Polish Historiography After 1980

Francesco Dall’Aglio (online participant) Paristrion as centre and periphery: from Byzantine Border Province to Heartland of the ‘Second Bulgarian Kingdom’

Kirił Marinow  Τέρνοβος, ἐν ᾗ τὰ βασίλεια ἦν τῶν Βουλγάρων: the image of the Bulgarian capital city in Ῥωμαικὴ ἰστορία by Nikephoros Gregoras

Mitko B. Panov (online participant)  Reconstructing the image of Tsar Samuel from the perspective of the Ohrid Archbishopric (11th-17th Century)


15.00 – 16.45 Room 202

Ian Goh (moderator)

Erica Rowan                    Peasant chic: Elite food poverty in the Roman world

Andrew Jotischky         Grazers and foragers in medieval monastic discourse

Eike Faber (online participant) Poverty as an Ideal, or the Fundamentalism of the Wealthy

Judith Bronstein (online participant) Food, Identity and the military orders of the Templars and the Hospitallers, XIIth-XIIIth centuries


15.00 – 16.45 Room 203

Kirił Marinow (moderator)

Paweł Lachowicz (online participant) “The Foreign Element” as a Rhetorical Device of Criticizing Aristocratic Rebels in the Byzantine Narrative Sources of the 12th Century

Michał Stachura The distant beginnings of “fat shaming”, or why people of Antiquity did not ridicule fat women

Marina Bastero Acha (online participant) Epulum dedit: women and public banquets in the Hispano-Roman epigraphic landscape

Anastasios Kantaras    (online participant) Alcune osservazioni sulla posizione delle donne a Bisanzio attraverso gli epigrammi per la croce di Nicholas Kallikles (Some observations on woman’s position in Byzantium through the epigrams for the cross of Nicholas Kallikles)


 17.00 – 18.45 Room 202

Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann (online moderator)

Viktor Humennyi (online participant) Between the perception of “other” and culinary: the “Parthian tastes” of Roman cuisine

Maciej Helbig (online participant) L’Aile ou la Cuisse? The Hen and the chicken in De observatione ciborum by Anthimus

Zofia Rzeźnicka, Maciej Kokoszko Beef in the Byzantine period: dietetic advice and dietary reality

Lilia Isabel Lopez (online participant) Milk in medicine. The case of Spain (18th century)



14 V 2022


9.00 – 10.45

Andrzej Kompa (moderator)

Chiara Di Serio (online participant)  The Indian River Which Flows from Paradise

Magdalena Garnczarska (online participant) Revival and Change: the Backgrounds of the Miniatures of the Paris Psalter

Stela Tasheva, Sasha Lozanova (online participants) Furniture and spatial environment of Eastern Christian miniatures and icons: scenes of evangelists

Dominika Grabiec (online participant) Musical Instruments of King David in the Byzantine scenes of the death of poor Lazarus


11.00 – 12.45

Magdalena Garnczarska (online moderator)

Aleksander Mikołajczak, Rafał Dymczyk (online participants) Phonation of apocalyptic Athos frescoes from the monastery of Dionisiou versus Apokalipsis cum figuris by Albrecht Dürer

Kalina Mincheva (online participant) A note on the ktetor’s image in the church of St Archangel Michael Monastery of Bilintsi located in the vicinity of town of Breznik

Andrzej Kompa Martyrium of Sts. Karpos and Papylos, its frescoes and their identification




Dr. Krzysztof Jagusiak

Dr. Karolina Krzeszewska

Dr. Zofia Rzeźnicka

Dr. Jan Mikołaj Wolski

If you have any question, please contact us at colloquia.ceranea@uni.lodz.pl.


To access the recording of the paper click on its title or the name of the speaker. If you are interested in the discussion, scroll through the recording to the end of the panel.


Book of Abstracts [PDF]






11.50 Conference opening

12.00 Mariyana Tsibranska–Kostova

The Slavic South and Byzantium: Prochiron and its Slavic Translation in the 13th Century – Traditions, Functions, Statehood




Panel: Bogomil religious culture; written, oral and landscape
organizer: Andrew P. Roach
moderator: David Zbíral

Maja Angelovska-Panova The Phenomena of Bogomilism in  Context of Hagiographic Literary Works
Bojana Radovanović Spreading the word: the role of the oral transmission and Biblical exegesis among the Bogomils
Andrew P. Roach Bogomils in context: Religious Culture in the tenth century Bulgarian empire
Jan Mikołaj Wolski Letter of Patriarch Teophilact Lekapenos and heresies in Bulgaria



Panel: Diaetetics as medicine for body and soul: dietary qualities in byzantine medicine
organizer: Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann
moderator: Günter Prinzing

Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann A Byzantine Burnout-Therapy
Danilo Valentino Cooking Plants for Healing Diseases. Vegetable Decoctions from the Anthologium Iatrosophicum in MS. Panorm. XIII C 3
Elias Valiakos Dosage of drugs and diet for treatments in Nikolaos Myrepsos’ Dynameron
Frederick Lauritzen Kekaumenos and Absinthe


15.00   Lunch break




Panel: Infidels, heresies and heresiology in the Byzantine World
moderator: Maja Angelovska-Panova

Dženan Dautović The krstjani from Bosnia in antiheretical treatises from Western Europe: knowledge based on experience or from projection? (the paper was not presented)
David Zbíral From History to Identity Narrative and Back: Discussing the Beginnings of the Cathars (12th-13th Century)
Piotr Czarnecki If not Bogomilism than what? The origins of Catharism in the light of the sources
Vladislav Atanassov Тhe Eucharistic Controversy between the Official Church and the Early Representatives of Bogomilism and Catharism



Panel: Food and medicine in Byzantium
moderator: Maciej Kokoszko

Laurence Totelin Intimate cosmetic care in Byzantine medical treatises
Sean Coughlin Recreating Democritus’ Party Tricks
Chiara Thumiger Πόθεν φρενῖτις? The popular reception of the disease phrenitis in Christian sources




Panel: Infidels, heresies and heresiology in the Byzantine World
moderator: Piotr Czarnecki

Chiara Di Serio Customs of the Brahmans and Other Barbarian Peoples in the Byzantine Chronicles
Martina Čechová Crimean Cherson and the “heretics”: what was the relationship between the locals and the exiles?
Yuri Stoyanov Christian Heretical Participation in the Rebellion of Börklüce Mustafa & Sheikh Bedreddin – Reappraising the Evidence (presented by Jan Mikołaj Wolski)
Julian Wood To Fight a Schism with a Sura: The Islamic Lexis of Christian Image-Debates in 9th-Century Syria



Panel: Food and medicine in Byzantium
moderator: Laurence Totelin

Giuseppe Squillace  Preliminary notes on the physician Krateuas (II-I Century BC). A New Collection of his Testimonies and Fragments
Maciej Kokoszko Anthimus on trutledoves, starlings and bustards
Zofia   Rzeźnicka „Lepores vero si novelli…”, i.e. about connections between medicine and culinary art in Anthimus’ De observatione ciborum
Nikos Tsivikis, Thanasis Sotiriou, Olga Karagiorgou, Ilias Anagnostakis On the vine road between Bithynia and the East: Production and Consumption of the Amorian wine in the Middle Byzantine period


16 April 




Panel: Infidels, heresies and heresiology in the Byzantine World
moderator: Andrew P. Roach

Petra Melichar Maria the nun Makaria and the last entry of the Synodikon of Orthodoxy
Paolo Angelini Περὶ αἱρετικῶν: heresies in the Syntagma of Blastares
Pavla Gkantzios Drápelová Prokopios on the Religion of the Slavs: A statistical approach
Johann Anton Zieme The De haeresibus et synodis of Germanos I of Constantinople as a source on early Byzantine heresies? Prospects of a critical edition and commentary



Panel: Food and medicine in Byzantium
moderator: Zofia Rzeźnicka

Veronika Kelbecheva The Language of Medicine used in Medicinae ex Holeribus et Pomis by Gargilius Martialis
Petkova Gergana, Ivanova Vanya Eponyms in Latin Medical Terminology Derived from a Toponym (Compared with their Bulgarian and English Equivalents)
Tatiana Popova Naming of Food and Drinks in the “Ladder” of John Climacus
Daniel Asade, Paola Druille The Syriac christianization of a medical Greek recipe: From Bárbaros Héra to the ‘Apostles´ Ointment’


15.00 Lunch break




Panel: Infidels, heresies and heresiology in the Byzantine World
moderator: Petra Melichar

Boris Stojkovski Saint Sava and Konstantin Mihailović: two Serbian medieval views on Islam
Ivelin Ivanov Crusading in Livonia and Romania (end of the 12th – beginning of the 13th century). An attempt at a comparative approach
Silvia Notarfonso Giulio Mancinelli, a Jesuit missionary between Dalmatia and Constantinople (1575-1586)



Panel: Food and medicine in Byzantium
moderator: Frederick Lauritzen

Maciej Gdaniec Coaches, athletes – relationships and selection for training according to Flavius Philostratos
Maciej Helbig The Byzantine garden – what to plant in the garden according to 12th book Geoponica by Cassianus Bassus
Lilia Isabel López Ferman  Galactology in Spanish medicine, 16th and 17th centuries
Ekaterina Dikova The Saint as Food, the Torture as Medicine: Some Aspects of Christopher of Mytilene’s Imagery in His Dodecasyllabic Calendar and Its Translations in South Slavonic




Panel: Food and medicine in Byzantium
moderator: Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann

Thomas Daiber Mens sana in corpore – Body and Soul in Vita Cyrilli
Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov, Margaret Dimitrova To Nourish and to Heal in Equal Measures: Food and Cooking Methods in the Healing Practices of Byzantine and Medieval Slavonic Cultures
John Wilkins ‘Whole Substance’ in Galen’s Simple Medicines
Ekaterina Todorova Mental Illnesses in the Middle Ages and their Reflection in the South Slavonic Hagiographic Literature
Irina Kuzidova-Karadzhinova Distribution of the Dietary Calendars among the Slavs in the Middle Ages


17 April 



9.00 Stephanie Roussou

Why textual criticism of obscure grammatical texts matters
(the beginning of the lecture was not recorded)



moderator: Ekaterina Dikova

Anissava Miltenova Once Again about the Multifold Slavonic Translations and Their Context: „On Prayer” by Evagrius of Pontus
Vladislav Knoll Written languages in Wallachia during the reign of Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521)
George Michailidis  Prostitution in the early and middle Byzantine period. Saints former prostitutes, holy fools and merciful monks
Margarita Papageorgiou An approach of the language of George of Nikomedia




moderator: Mitko Panov

Marcin Böhm Constantine X Doukas (1059-1067) versus Uzes – about the Nomads on boats on the Danube in 1065
Arkadiusz Filip Siwko commonwealth of interest in the Rus’ian-Byzantine treaty (944/5)
Francesco Dall’Aglio Between Rebellion and Statesmanship: Attempting a Biography of Ivanko, 1196/1200 (?)
Kirił Marinow Tărnovgrad viewed by the Others: Bulgarian capital city in the light of Byzantine sources


14.00 Lunch break




moderator: Francesco Dall’Aglio

Andrzej Kompa Was John Malalas the author of the 18th book of Chronography? – a few additional points
Nikolaos Kostourakis Literary Representations of Descent and Social Mobility: the Case of the Lakapenoi
Paweł Lachowicz The Title Hierarchy of the Last Komnenoi and the Angelos Dynasty – From Sebastohypertatos to Sebastokrator




moderator: Kirił Marinow

Grigorios Papagiannis, Maria Tziatzi-Papagianni, Vasileios-Alexandros Kollias, Anastasia Nikolaou The portrayal of the Empire’s ruler in the novels of Leo VI the Wise
Mitko B. Panov Ideology behind the Naming: On the origin of Basil II’s appellation ‘Scythicus’ (the end of the presentation was not recorded)
Teresa Wolińska The Use of the Title of Basileus in Procopius’ Writings and Basileia of Arethas (the beginning of the presentation was not recorded)
Yanko Hristov, Dafina Kostadinova “Because to this day … the plain near the city called Anchialos housed the bones of the massacred…”: Chr. 72 of Patriarch Nikephoros’ Antirrheticus III as a historical source.




moderator: Teresa Wolińska

Raffaele D’Amato, Dmytro Dymydyuk The sword with the sleeve cross-guard in the fresco from the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Aghtamar Island
Michael Selzer Byzantine Aesthetics and the Concept of Symmetry
Magdalena Garnczarska On the meaning of gold backgrounds in the mosaic panels of the Deesis in the Hagia Sophia and the donor portrait of Theodore Metochites in the church of the Chora monastery



Programme [PDF]

Book of Abstracts [PDF]



Dr. Krzysztof Jagusiak

Dr. Karolina Krzeszewska

Dr. Zofia Rzeźnicka

Dr. Jan Mikołaj Wolski

If you have any question, please contact us at colloquia.ceranea@uni.lodz.pl.

Second Colloquia Ceranea International Conference
24-26 April 2020, Łódź



Programme [pdf]

Book of abstracts [pdf]



The conference is targeted at scholars who study the history and culture of the Mediterranean (the Greco-Roman world, the Byzantine Empire, the Slavic world, the Balkans), the Middle East, and the Caucasus over the period from Antiquity to the Early Modern Times.



Four plenary lectures will be delivered. Our keynote speakers are:

Prof. Albrecht Berger (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

Prof. Ivan Biliarsky (Българска Академия на Науките)

Prof. Philip van der Eijk (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Prof. Marcello Garzaniti (Università degli Studi di Firenze)


Papers should be presented in English. Other languages are acceptable too, provided that the speaker prepares an English handout (or multimedia presentation) outlining the main points of the talk.

Provided they meet the applicable requirements, the papers from the conference will be published in article format in the yearly Studia Ceranea, a journal indexed in Web of Science Core Collection (Emerging Sources Citation Index), EBSCOhost, and a number of other databases.



Due to the spread of SARS-COV-2 the conference is organised on the web.

First Colloquia Ceranea International Conference
11-13 April 2019, Łódź




11 April

Plenary lectures:

Prof. Béatrice Caseau, Sorbonne University (Paris IV)

Food and monasticism in Byzantium


Prof. Anna-Maria Totomanova, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”

The Glagolitic Script and the So Called Trilinguist Heresy


12 April

Plenary lecture:

Prof. Anna Kotłowska, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Jan Sajdak’s Byzantine Studies


13 April

Guided tour around Łódź




Biedermann Palace:

ul. Franciszkańska 1/5, Łódź


To receive information about upcoming events follow our news or join our mailing list: ceraneum@uni.lodz.pl



Prof. Iwelin Iwanow, The Nomads against the Knights. Military Campaigns of the Cumans and the Latins in the Balkans (1205–1225), 25.10.2022, g. 10.15, Instytut Historii, s. 13.

Mgr Aneta Bąk, Obraz kobiety w wybranych zachodnich epistolografiach późnoantycznych, 18.10.2022, g. 17.15, Pałac Biedermanna, s. 215.

Dr Grzegorz Rostkowski, Zagadnienie konwersji Chazarii na judaizm w nowszej literaturze przedmiotu, 28.09.2022, g. 16.00, Pałac Biedermanna, s. 215.

Dr Tristan Schmidt (Uniwersytet Śląski), The megaloi domestikoi of the Komnenoi and Angeloi – a position in between institutional consolidation and containment, 28.09.2022, g. 17.00, Pałac Biedermanna, s. 215.

Dr Tomasz Pełech (Uniwersytet Warszawski), Bizantynki w Outremer i Łacinniczki nad Bosforem – związki dynastyczne pomiędzy państwami krzyżowców a Konstantynopolem w XII w., 10.03.2022, g. 17.00, Pałac Biedermanna, sala 215.


Dr Aneta Dimitrova (Uniwersytet Sofijski), The Greek Versions of the Homily De salute animae (CPG 4031 / 4622) and Their Old Church Slavonic Translations, 9.12.2021, s. 215, Pałac Biedermanna

Dr Yanko Hristov (Katedra Historii Południowo-Zachodniego Uniwersytetu „Neofita Rylskiego” w Błagojewgradzie), Written not with ink but with tears: Byzantine civilians in the enemy hands, according to the early 10th century accounts, 27.10.2021, sala rady wydziału, Instyt Historii UŁ

Prof. dr hab. Ivelin Ivanov (Katedra Historii Starożytnej i Średniowiecznej Uniwersytetu „św. św. Cyryla i Metodego” w Wielkim Tyrnowie), Late Medieval Nomads in the Bulgarian Historical-Apocalyptic Literature, 23.09.2021, czytelnia Centrum Ceraneum (Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego)

Dr Adrian Szopa (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie), Wizerunek barbarzyńców w późnoantycznych panegirykach łacińskich, 18.06.2021, wykład online

Dr. hab. Andrzej Gillmeister (Uniwersytet Zielonogórski), Rerum sacrarum et epularum. O ofierze w religii rzymskiej, 28.05.2021, wykład online

Dr hab. Łukasz Różycki (Pracownia Historii Bizancjum Wydziału Historii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu), Wojna przychodzi po zmierzchu – teoria i praktyka nocnych walk w VI wieku, 26.02.2021, wykład online


Dr hab. Jan Stradomski, prof. UJ ( Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego)​, Idea unii kościelnej i/czy jedności Kościoła? O polisemantyczności dyskursu w polsko-ruskiej polemice religijnej w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej (2 poł. XVI–pocz. XVIII w.), 4.12.2020, wykład online



Dr Zofia Brzozowska (Katedra Filologii Słowiańskiej UŁ), Koran na obszarze Slavia Orthodoxa? Fragmenty tłumaczeń i ślady recepcji w piśmiennictwie Słowian prawosławnych w średniowieczu, 1.06.2019, Sala Dziekańska gmachu Instytutu Historii Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Collegium Historicum)

Prof. dr hab. Ivelin Ivanov (Katedra Historii Starożytnej i Średniowiecznej Uniwersytetu „św. św. Cyryla i Metodego” w Wielkim Tyrnowie), Weapons, Armor and Armed Men in the Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander, 14.10.2019, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Doc. Dr Valentin Kitanov (Katedra Historii na Wydziale Prawno-Historycznym Uniwersytetu Południowo-Zachodniego im. Neofita Rylskiego w Błagoewgradzie), Tabaco in the historical development of Bulgaria, 9.10.2019, Instytut Historii UŁ

Dr. Yanko M. Hristov (Katedra Historii na Wydziale Prawno-Historycznym Uniwersytetu Południowo-Zachodniego im. Neofita Rylskiego w Błagoewgradzie), Byzantine prisoners of war in Bulgaria during the period 976 to 1018, 9.10.2019, Instytut Historii UŁ

Prof. dr hab. Ivelin Ivanov (Katedra Historii Starożytnej i Średniowiecznej Uniwersytetu „św. św. Cyryla i Metodego” w Wielkim Tyrnowie), Medieval Bulgaria and Constantinople. The Bulgarian actions in support of and against the Byzantine capital in the period from the 8th to the14th century, 14.05.2019, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Ks. dr hab. Janusz Lewandowicz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi), Życie monastyczne na Zachodzie w czasach Grzegorza Wielkiego, 16.01.2019, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)


Prof. Ivelin Ivanov (St. St. Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo), Teutons, Cumans and Bulgarians in the Second Decade of the Thirteenth Century (1211–1225), 11.10.2018, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Dr hab. Jacek Bonarek (Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, Filia w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim), Echa śmierci Nikefora Fokasa w historiografii Wschodu i Zachodu, 30.05.2018, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Dr Szymon Wierzbiński (Instytut Nauk Społecznych i Zarządzania Technologiami Politechniki Łódzkiej), Suum cuique? Kilka uwag o żołdzie i warunkach służby w armii bizantyńskiej w X w., 16.05.2018, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Доц. д-р Ценка Досева (Софийски Университет „Св. Климент Охридски”, Факултет по славянски филологии), Гимнографический материал, посвященный св. пророку Илии, в славянской книжности, 09.05.2018, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Dr Andrzej Hołasek, Moralność chrześcijan w świetle kanonów Bazylego Wielkiego, 18.04.2018, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Dr hab. Anna Kotłowska, prof. Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Alegoria miłości: odrodzenie powieści w czasach Komnenów, 1.03.2018,  sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)


Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Dąbrowski (Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, Bydgoszcz), dr Adrian Jusupović (Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk), O potrzebie wydawania w Polsce pomników średniowiecznego piśmiennictwa ruskiego. Rozważania na podstawie Kroniki halicko-wołyńskiej, 27.11.2017, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Prof. Mirosław Jerzy Leszka (Katedra Historii Bizancjum UŁ), Car Piotr (927–969) w pamięci Bizantyńczyków i średniowiecznych Bułgarów, 08.11.2017, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Prof. Anna-Maria Totomanova (Uniwersytetu im. św. Klemensa Ochrydzkiego w Sofii), The Synodikon of Orthodoxy in Medieval Bulgaria, 10.05.2017, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Prof. Zdzisław Pentek (Instytut Historii UAM), Dziwy Królowej Miast, czyli śladami Roberta z Clari w Konstantynopolu 1204 roku, 29.03.2017, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Dr Marcin Cyrulski, Mała wielka kronika. „Kronika trapezuncka” Michała Panaretosa, 01.03.2017, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)


Dr Magdalena Łaptaś (Instytut Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie), Wizerunek i funkcja władców nubijskich w malarstwie średniowiecznego Sudanu, 15.12.2016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Doc. dr Stefan Jordanow (Uniwersytet im. Św. Św. Cyryla i Metodego w Wielkim Tyrnowie), Władza i organizacja pierwszego państwa bułgarskiego w okresie przedchrześcijańskim, 26.09.2016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Doc. dr Angeł Nikołow (Katedra Historii Bułgarii Uniwersytetu Sofijskiego im. Klemensa Ochrydzkiego), Политическая идеология и публичная пропаганда болгарских правителей в первое столетие после принятия христианства в Болгарии (864–971 гг.), 08.06.2016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Dr Martina Čechová  (Wydział Słowiański Czeskiej Akademii Nauk), Byzantine Cherson: the place of refuge and banishment, 07.06.2016, Instytut Historii UŁ

Dr hab. Ireneusz Milewski (Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego), Flavia Iulia Helena. Kilka uwag na temat ideologicznych aspektów mennictwa epoki konstantyńskiej, 01.06.2016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Prof. Marek Wilczyński (Instytut Historii i Archiwistyki Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie), Gejzeryk i „czwarta wojna punicka”, 05.05.2016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Dr Ireneusz Jakubowski (Katedra Prawa Rzymskiego UŁ), Cesarz Justynian – człowiek i prawodawca w opinii Tadeusza Czackiego, 27.04.2016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Prof. Jarosław Dudek (Uniwersytet Zielonogórski), Rola Bizancjum w chrystianizacji ludów stepowych Europy Wschodniej, 16.03.2016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Prof. Georgi Minczew (Katedra Filologii Słowiańskiej UŁ), Czy istniała teologia bogomilska? Idee dualistyczne w ekumenie bizantyńsko-słowiańskiej, 09.03.2016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Prof. Teresa Wolińska (Katedra Historii Bizancjum UŁ), Sojusznik cesarza Justyniana. Kariera Al-Haritha z plemienia Ghassanidów, 24.02.1016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Prof. Maciej Kokoszko (Katedra Historii Bizancjum UŁ), Malábathron (μαλάβαθρον). Kilka uwag o roli Cinnamomum tamala w kuchni i medycynie antyku i Bizancjum w okresie pomiędzy I a VII w., 13.01.2016, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)


Prof. Michael Vickers (Uniwersytet Oksfordzki), Euesperides, Berenice, Benghazi: 2500 years of a Cyrenaican city, 01.12.2015, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Doc. dr Nikołaj Kynew (Uniwersytet im. Św. Św. Cyryla i Metodego w Wielkim Tyrnowie), Bizantyńska hierarchia godności w IX–XI w., 10.11.2015, Instytut Historii UŁ

Doc. dr Oleg Aleksandrow (Uniwersytet im. Św. Św. Cyryla i Metodego w Wielkim Tyrnowie), Kulty prywatne armii rzymskiej na terenie prowincji Mezji Dolnej, 07.05.2015, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Doc. dr Oleg Aleksandrow (Uniwersytet im. Św. Św. Cyryla i Metodego w Wielkim Tyrnowie), Religia oficjalna armii rzymskiej w prowincji Mezji Dolnej, 05.05.2015, Instytut Historii UŁ

Dr hab. Tomasz Waliszewski (Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego), Produkcja oliwy w rzymskiej i bizantyńskiej Syro-Palestynie. 1000 lat tradycji, 03.03.2015, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Referaty wygłoszone przez studentów podczas zebrań SNS Ceraneum

Marcin Antczak, Polityka cara Kałojana wobec Konstantynopola, 20.04.2015, sala 13 Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Michał Frąckiewicz, Czy Galowie mieli szansę obronić się przed Cezarem?, 16.03.2015, sala 13 Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)


Assoc. Prof. Nadezhda Hristova, PhD. (Uniwersytet im. Św. Św. Cyryla i Metodego w Wielkim Tyrnowie), Women’s Legal Status in the Kingdoms of Franks and Anglo-Saxons (5th–9th cc.), 25.09.2014, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (WPiA UŁ)

Prof. dr Vladimír Vavřínek (Czeska Akademia Nauk, Praga), Cyril and Methodius: The Story of a Lost Mission, 07.06.2014, Instytut Historii UŁ

Prof. Ivan Biliarsky (Instytut Historii, Bułgarska Akademia Nauk), Małżeństwo i władza. Kobieta jako osoba legitymizująca władzę w kulturze bizantyńskiej, 29.05.2014, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (WPiA UŁ)

Prof. Hassan Badawy (Uniwersytet Arystotelesa w Tesalonice), Egypt between Byzantines and Arabs. Consequences and Dimensions in the Eastern Mediterranean Area, 22.05.2014, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (WPiA UŁ)

Doc. Dr. Ivelin Ivanov (Uniwersytet im. Św. Św. Cyryla i Metodego w Wielkim Tyrnowie), The Bulgarian Campaigns of Kniaz Sviatoslav from 968–971 and Viking Invasion of Europe, 7.05.2014; The Bulgarian-Latin War of 1205–1207: Strategy and Tactics of The Two Sides, 8.05.2014, Instytut Historii UŁ.

Referaty wygłoszone przez studentów podczas zebrań SNS Ceraneum

Zofia Rzeźnicka, Gęś w gastronomii, dietetyce i medycynie antycznej i bizantyńskiej, 14.12.2014, sala 13 Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna)

Aleksandra Radzyńska, Więzi rodzinne a ambicje polityczne, czyli relacje między synami Manuela II do 1448 r., 19.05.2014, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (WPiA UŁ)

Andrzej Lubikowski, Wzór filozofa neopitagorejskiego na przykładzie Apolloniosa z Tyany. Na temat wyglądu i sprawowania ofiar słów kilka, 17.03.2014, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (WPiA UŁ)


Referaty wygłoszone przez studentów podczas zebrań SNS Ceraneum

Katarzyna Muszyńska (slawistyka UŁ), Bułgaria w rękach Boga i Szatana – wieloraka natura świata wedle bułgarskich wierzeń ludowych, 18.11.2013, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (WPiA UŁ)

Anna Łazuchiewicz (historia UŁ), Starożytna medycyna oczami Jana Chryzostoma, 21.10.2013, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (WPiA UŁ)

Radosław Siarkowski (historia UŁ), Jedwab w Bizancjum, 06.05.2013, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (WPiA UŁ)

Alain Touwaide (Institute for the Preservation of Medical Traditions)

June 6: Being Sick, Being Treated in Byzantium. Byzantine Remedial Therapy

June 7: Medicine at the Border. Cross-cultural Exchanges in Medicine in Sicily and Southern Italy

Gerasimos Merianos (National Hellenic Research Foundation)

May 11:  Humble but not insignificant: References to wine lees in Greek (al)chemical texts

Maria Leontsini (National Hellenic Research Foundation)

May 13: Condiment or medicine? Capers from the Hippocratic Corpus to the Byzantine and Arab dietary treatises (youtube)

The talks by Gerasimos Merianos and Maria Leontsini were delivered within the fifth edition of the international, interdisciplinary scholarly conference Colloquia Ceranea.

Ivan Biliarsky (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

October 3: Sources of the Medieval Bulgarian Law

Rudolf Dekker (Centre for the Study of Egodocuments and History / Erasmus University Rotterdam)

October 19: The Privacy of the Prison. Writing about Yourself in Jail, 1500–2000 (recording in preparation)

Ineke Huysman (Huygens Institute, Amsterdam)

October 20: The Person behind Johan de Witt: The Daily Life of the Grand Pensionary and His Circles (recording in preparation)

François-Joseph Ruggiu (Sorbonne Université / Oxford University)

October 20: What Was Private in Early Modern Privacy? What Was Intimate in Early Modern Intimacy? An Exploration Through the French Personal Writings (recording in preparation)

The talks by Rudolf Dekker, Ineke Huysman and François-Joseph Ruggiu were delivered within the international scholarly conference Egodocuments and Privacy in the Early Modern Era.

Mohammed Ismail Al-Nasarat (Al-Hussein Bin Talal University)

October 24: Petra and the Nabataeans in the Classical Writings (photo report from the event)

Barbara Zipser (University of London)

October 30

First lecture: Vision and Blindness in Ancient and Medieval Medicine  (soundcloud) (photo report from the event)

Second lecture: Treatment in Ioannes Archiatrus (soundcloud)

Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich / Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities)

November 7: The Aktouarios John Zacharias (c. 1275–1330) and his Treatise on the “Psychic Pneuma”: a Byzantine “Burnout Therapy”? (soundcloud)

November 8: Byzantine Medicine: Professional Interaction between Tradition and Innovation (soundcloud) (photo report from the event)



Dr Laurence Totelin, Perfumers and their perfumes in the ancient drug trade, 10.11.2022, g. 17.00, Instytut Historii, sala 202.

Dr Laurence Totelin, A remedy fit for a king: rulers as consumers and creators of drugs in the Greek and Roman world, 08.11.2022, g. 12.00, Instytut Historii, Sala Rady Wydziału Filozoficzno-Historycznego.

Dr Irene Calà, Medical theory and practice in the Eastern Roman Empire: medical treatises, physicians and hospitals, 25.10.2022, g. 12.00, Instytut Historii, Sala Rady Wydziału Filozoficzno-Historycznego.

Dr Irene Calà, The physician’s instruments in medieval Constantinople: hands, tools and machines, 24.10.2022, g. 17.00, Instytut Historii, s. 202.

Bojana Radovanović, Profiling the Bogomils in the later Byzantine period: some notes on the Koudougheroi, 14.10.2022, Biblioteka UŁ, s. 302.

Alessandra Bucossi, Repertorium auctorum polemicorum de pace et discordia inter Ecclesiam Graecam et Latinam: an introduction, 14.10.2022, Biblioteka UŁ, s. 302.

Marie-Hélène Blanchet, Analysing the corpus of East-West christian polemics with the help of a database, 14.10.2022, Biblioteka UŁ, s. 302.

Petros Bouras-Vallianatos, Byzantine medicine matters: current trends and future avenues, 13.05.2022, g. 9.00, Pałac Biedermanna, s. 201.

Łódź akademickah

THE BOGOMIL SEMINAR: Bogomil Heresiology, its Aspects, Concepts, Reflections, Implications and Heritage

Is our knowledge of medieval heresies sustainable? Any short answer to this question would be a rash one. Join us for a series of sessions on key issues pertaining to the history of Bogomilism and related dualist heresies from a comparative perspective. The relationship between the Bogomils, the Paulicians and Cathars, role of the Balkan corridor, the nature of the Bosnian church, the significance of apocrypha and credibility of heresiologies and heresiologists’ methodological approaches – are among the pivotal issues of controversy. Establishing positions on these crucial points will determine or alter our picture of the past, elaborating the delineation of the most important traits which marked the religious history of the heterodox medieval landscape and heretical movements.
Organizers: Bojana Radovanović and Jan Mikołaj Wolski


6. Session, March 17th 2023, Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences

Medieval Heresies: Along The Roads Less Travelled (Programme)


5. Session, October 14th 2022, 9.00 AM. Venue: Biblioteka UŁ, sala 302 & online.

Polemical Literature in Byzantium and the Slavic World (click to watch the recording on YT)


Alessandra Bucossi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Repertorium auctorum polemicorum de pace et discordia inter Ecclesiam Graecam et Latinam: an introduction

Marie-Hélène Blanchet (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Analysing the corpus of East-West christian polemics with the help of a database


Octavian-Adrian Negoiță (University of Copenhagen), “But No Prophet Was Sent to the Arabs”: Some Considerations on the Byzantine Anti-Islamic Polemical Literature in the Early Modern World (online participation)

Zofia Brzozowska (University of Lodz), The Image of Persian and Arab Women in the Medieval Eastern Slavic Literature (11th–mid-16th century)

Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), “Panoplia Dogmatica” in Slavonic translation: research state and prospective (online participation)


Angel Nikolov (University of Sofia), A South-Slavic Reworking of the ‘Dialogue of Panagiotes with an Azymite’: ‘A Tale of How Rome Fell from the Orthodox Faith’

Bojana Radovanović (University of Vienna), Profiling the Bogomils in the later Byzantine period: some notes on the Koudougheroi

Jan Mikołaj Wolski (University of Lodz), Anchorites, cenobites, Cosmas the Priest and the beginnings of Bogomilism


4. Session, February 2nd 2022, 5.00 PM: Dr. Andrew P. Roach, Senior Lecturer in History, University of Glasgow (UK), Cosmas, Bulgaria and Bogomil: the other in the other Balkan empire.


3. Session, December 16th 2021, 5.00 PM: Dr hab. Piotr Czarnecki, Professor of the Jagiellonian University (Poland), Catharism – a Western version of Bogomilism?


2. Session, November 9th 2021, 6.30 PM: Prof. John H. Anrold, Professor of Medieval History, University of Cambridge (UK), What was the Albigensian crusade directed against?


1. Session, June 16th 2021, 5 PM: Dr. Dženan Dautović, Docent/Lecturer in Medieval History at University of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Reception of John V. A. Fine Jr.’s New interpretation of the Bosnian Church: Interesting sleeve of a never ending historiographical debate.

Prof. Véronique Boudon, The new Galenic manuscript Vlatadon 14: history of a discovery, 20.05.2019, Instytut Historii UŁ. 

Prof. John Wilkins, Galen on how food and medicine work in the body, 21.03.2019, Instytut Historii UŁ.

Prof. Jean-Paul Pittion, The animal analogue in human anatomy and physiology: Galen, Vesalius and Harvey, 21.01.2019, sala seminaryjna Centrum Ceraneum (Pałac Biedermanna).

Prof. Vivian Nutton, The new Galen, 2005–2018, 13.12.2018, Instytut Historii UŁ.

Prof. Danielle Gourevitch, History of medicine for beginners: scholarly wanderings in places, museums, words, and books, 17.10.2018, Sala Kominkowa Pałacu Biedermanna.


Ceraneum hosts scholars pursuing projects funded by NCN, NAWA and other institutions. We also organize calls for short and medium-term stays funded by the IDUB program of the University of Lodz.

Currently there are no open calls.

From the academic year 2014/2015 LLP-Erasmus was replaced by the new program – Erasmus+: http://erasmusplus.org.pl/

Information on teaching staff mobility can be found on the International Relations Office of Lodz University website:

Erasmus Partner Universities (with details of the individual agreements):

Czech Republic – Charles University (CZ PRAHA07)


– Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG SOFIA30)

– Veliko Turnovo University “Cyril and Methodius” (BG VELIKO01)

– University of Plovdiv (BG PLOVDIV04)

Lithuania – Vilnius University (LT VILNIUS01)

Macedonia – Skopje University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” (MK SKOPJE01)

Germany – Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (D FREIBUR01)


– University of Primorska (SI KOPER0)

– University of Ljubljana (SI LJUBLJA01)

Turkey – Suleyman Demirel University (TR ISPARTA01)


– Universita Degli Studi di Firenze (I FIRENZE01)

– Universita Degli Studi di Napoli “l’Orientale” (I NAPOLI02)

– Universita Della Calabria (I COSENZA01)

For more information, please contact the Coordinator for the Erasmus Program dr Agata Kawecka (agata.kawecka@uni.lodz.pl) and the International Relations Office of Lodz University.